Exercises to Superset with Front Raises

10 Best Exercises to Superset with Front Raises

Looking to take your Front Raises to the next level?

Supersetting is the perfect strategy to elevate your training by performing two exercises back-to-back without resting in between.

The brilliance of this method is that while one muscle group is working, the other is recovering, allowing for an efficient, intensive workout that saves time while maximizing muscle growth.

In this post, I’m going to share with you the best exercises to superset with Front Raises so you can get the most out of your shoulder day in the gym.

Keys to Picking Exercises to Superset

Choosing the right exercises to superset with Front Raises can be a crucial aspect in building a well-rounded and effective workout plan.

Here are the keys to making a great choice:

Muscle Group Focus

Since Front Raises primarily target the anterior deltoids, it would be beneficial to pair them with exercises focusing on different muscle groups, such as the lateral or posterior deltoids, to create a balanced shoulder workout.

Intensity Level

Consider the intensity level of the exercises.

Pairing two highly intense Exercises might be counterproductive, leading to early fatigue. Balance a high-intensity exercise with a moderate or low-intensity one to maintain energy levels throughout your workout.

Equipment Availability

Take note of the equipment you have at your disposal.

Choose supersets that can be performed with the available equipment to ensure a smooth transition between the exercises.

Level of Experience

Your individual level of experience should guide your choice of exercises.

Select exercises that are challenging yet within your capability to perform safely and with the correct form.

Best Exercises to Superset with Front Raises

Here they are, in no particular order, my favorite exercises to pair up with Front Raises.

Lateral Raises

Seated Lateral Raises

Why: Lateral Raises target the deltoids from a different angle, helping to sculpt a well-defined shoulder by working on both the anterior and lateral parts.

How To

  • Hold dumbbells-palm in, arms straight down at sides.
  • Raise dumbbells in semicircular motion slightly above shoulder height tilting the head of the dumbbell down.
  • A slight pause, then lower to starting position under control.
  • Keep your arms straight with just a slight bend in the elbow.

Rear Delt Flys

Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise

Why: Pairing Rear Delt Raises with Front Raises ensures a balanced workout for your shoulders.

This movement works the posterior deltoids, offering a counterbalance to the anterior deltoid focus of Front Raises.

How To

  • Grab your dumbbells (or plates) and bend at the waist until you are close to perpendicular to the floor.
  • I recommend slightly bending the elbow and keeping your palms facing each other. As you execute the movement, the palms will face the floor.
  • Initiate the movement by bringing your arms out to the side and squeezing the shoulder blades.
  • Pause at the top of the movement for about 1 second.
  • Slowly lower your arms back to the starting position.

Upright Rows

Barbell Upright Rows

Why: Upright Rows engage both the shoulders and traps, providing a comprehensive workout that builds on the deltoid engagement of the Front Raises to foster greater shoulder stability and strength.

How To

  • Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, slight bend in the knee.
  • Grasp bar about shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the barbell with an overhand (pronated) grip.
  • Start with the bar at arm’s length.
  • Pull the bar upward along the abdomen and chest toward the chin.
  • At the top, the elbow should be higher than the wrist, and above the shoulders.
  • Lower the bar slowly and under control to the front of the thighs.
  • Keep the bar close to the torso.

Barbell Curls

Barbell Curl Side View

Why: Adding bicep work with Front Raises promotes a harmonious upper-body workout, allowing the shoulder muscles to rest while still building arm strength.

How To

  • Stand tall, back straight, head up, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the barbell with both hands, palms up (supinated grip).
  • Start with the bar at arm’s length against the upper thighs.
  • Curl the bar up towards the shoulders until the forearms touch the biceps.
  • Keep upper elbows close to the side.
  • Lower the bar back to starting position using the same path.
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Dips Being Done Outside on Parallel Bars

Why: Dips target the triceps, offering a counterbalance to the front deltoid work and facilitating a more rounded upper body training session.

How To

  • Attach your dip rack to your rack. This process will vary based on your rack and dip attachment. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely.
  • Set your dip rack just above waist height. This will allow enough room for your feet not to hit the ground while doing reps, but not so high you feel you have to jump up into your first rep.
  • Starting position is hands on bars, arms extended, knees slightly bent and feet crossed (crossing feet is optional but does help with unwanted swinging in my experience.
  • Descend down by bending the elbows and slightly leaning forward.
  • Lower yourself under control until the triceps become parallel with the ground and then drive yourself back up to the starting position.

Hammer Curls

Hammer Curls for Biceps

Why: Complementing Front Raises with Hammer Curls engages the brachialis muscle, promoting balanced arm development and enhancing the visual appearance of arm muscles.

How To

  • Start standing with feet flat on the ground about hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  • Hold one dumbbell in each hand and stand tall with good posture.
  • Start with palms facing in toward the body.
  • Now, curl both dumbbells up to shoulder level by flexing the biceps. Palms should finish still facing one another. Do not rotate the palm up.
  • Squeeze the biceps at the top of the rep and then lower back down to the starting position.


Athlete Doing Push-Ups

Why: Incorporating Push-Ups helps to work the chest and triceps further, providing a grounded base for your Front Raises and enhancing upper body strength and endurance.

How To

  • Begin in a plank position, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and feet together or slightly apart. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels.
  • Bend your elbows, lowering your body towards the floor while maintaining a straight spine.
  • Get as close to the floor as possible without touching it with your chest.
  • Extend your elbows, pushing your body back to the starting position.

Bent Over Rows

Bent Over Barbell Row Side View

Why: Bent Over Rows effectively targets the back muscles, offering a counter perspective to the anterior-focused Front Raises and fostering a balanced muscle development in the upper body.

How To

  • Approach the barbell and take a shoulder-width stance. Your shins should be almost touching the barbell.
  • Hinge at the waist and bend the knee until you can grab the barbell. Use a pronated grip (Knuckles facing the floor). I will talk later about the supinated grip (palms up) in this movement.
  • Always keep a flat back, and a neutral spine, and keep your eyes focused slightly down about 1 foot in front of you.
  • Take a deep breath, brace the abdomen, and pull the bar in until it makes contact right about the belly button.
  • Pause for about 1 second. Squeeze the shoulder blades and lock in the rep.
  • Slowly return the barbell back to the starting position (weights about 1-2 inches off the ground).

Dumbbell Shrugs

Dumbbell Shrugs Rear View

Why: Targeting the upper trapezius muscles, Dumbbell Shrugs is a simple but effective exercise that helps build a stronger neck and shoulder region, perfectly complementing the frontal deltoid work done in Front Raises.

How To

  • Grab a pair of dumbells, one in each hand
  • Place feet hip-width apart, brace the core and stand tall
  • Now shrug up, visualizing touching your traps to your ears.
  • Do NOT ‘roll’ the shoulders. Shrug straight up and straight down.
  • Keep good posture. Do not let the shoulders slouch forward during the set.
  • Control the weight back down to the starting position and repeat.

Cable Face Pulls

Cable Face Pulls with Rope

Why: Pairing Face Pulls with Front Raises works wonders for the rear deltoids and upper back muscles, ensuring balanced shoulder development and reducing the risk of injuries through a comprehensive shoulder workout.

How To

  • To begin, adjust the cable machine to a high setting and attach a rope attachment to the pulley.
  • Stand facing the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp the rope with both hands, using a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  • Extend your arms in front of you so that the rope is taut, and step back slightly to create tension in the cable.
  • Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine as you pull the rope towards your face, keeping your elbows wide and your hands level with your ears.
  • As you pull the rope towards your face, squeeze your shoulder blades together and imagine that you are trying to pinch a quarter between your shoulder blades.
  • Hold the contraction for a moment, then slowly release the tension in the cable and return to the starting position.
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Final Thoughts

In building a more dynamic and efficient workout, supersetting Front Raises with complementary exercises is your go-to strategy.

Incorporating exercises that target different muscle groups not only enhances your shoulder strength but also promotes overall shoulder health.

This strategy not only enhances muscle growth but also saves time, making your workouts highly efficient.

Finally, as you experiment with these supersets, always keep in mind the importance of maintaining proper form to prevent injuries.

More Links and Info

Want more superset ideas to ramp up your workouts? Check out the best exercises to pair up with some other popular movements:

Best Exercises to Superset with RDLs

Leg Press Supersets to Crush Leg Day

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