Lower Body Strength

Single Leg Floor Sliders (Hamstring Leg Curls)

Single Leg Floor Sliders (Hamstring Leg Curls)

The Single Leg Floor Slider Leg Curl is a single-leg variation of Floor Slider Leg Curls. The single-leg variation is much more challenging and arguably one of the most difficult hamstring movements. It is used primarily as an accessory movement to help lifters gain strength and hypertrophy for their hamstrings and glute muscles. In this…

Single Leg Stability Ball Leg Curls (How To & Alternatives)

Single Leg Stability Ball Leg Curls (How To & Alternatives)

Single Leg Stability Ball Leg Curls are an advanced version of regular Stability Leg Curls. In the Single Leg version, only one foot is used on the ball with the other foot held in mid-air. SL Stability Ball Leg Curls are a very underestimated exercise that is actually one of the toughest hamstring exercises to…

Single Leg Squat Off Box (How To, Muscles Worked, Benefits)

Single Leg Squat Off Box (How To, Muscles Worked, Benefits)

Single-leg squats off the box are an extremely challenging single-leg exercise that requires a great amount of strength and mobility. Most athletes will begin with an easier variation (squatting down to a box or bench) and then progress toward a full pistol squat and then single leg squat off the box. In this article, I’m…

Dumbbell Step Ups (How To, Muscles Worked, Benefits)

Dumbbell Step Ups (How To, Muscles Worked, Benefits)

The dumbbell step-up is a lower-body exercise used by athletes to train single-leg strength and power. This is a great movement for field, court, and track athletes looking to increase force production on a single leg. In this guide, I’m going to teach you how to properly do Dumbbell Step Ups, what the benefits are…