
10 Best Exercises to Superset with Shoulder Press

10 Best Exercises to Superset with Shoulder Press

If you’re looking to ramp up your Shoulder Press routine, you’re in the right place. Supersetting is an excellent strategy to intensify your workouts, save time, and accelerate muscle growth. In this article, I’ll share some of the most effective exercises to pair with Shoulder Press for optimum results. Whether you’re a beginner or a…

What is Time Under Tension when Strength Training? (Explained)

What is Time Under Tension when Strength Training? (Explained)

Time Under Tension (TUT) is a foundational concept in strength training that is often misunderstood or overlooked. At its core, Time Under Tension refers to the amount of time that a muscle is under strain during a set of exercises. This includes both the ‘eccentric’ phase of the exercise where the muscle lengthens, such as…

10 Best Reverse Pec Deck Fly Alternatives (No Machine Needed)

Engaging your posterior deltoids, rhomboids, and trapezius, the Reverse Pec Deck Fly is a great exercise for its ability to target the upper back and shoulder muscles, providing work to an area that is often overlooked. However, not all of us have access to the specialized machine needed for this particular movement. Whether you’re working…

11 Best V-Up Alternatives for Core Strength & Stability

11 Best V-Up Alternatives for Core Strength & Stability

You may already be familiar with V-Ups—a great exercise for targeting your core and sculpting your abs. But like with any exercise, continuous repetition of the same movement can lead to staleness, diminished interest, and potentially plateaued results. That’s why exploring alternative exercises is crucial to keeping your workouts fresh, engaging, and effective. In this…

The 7 Best Dumbbell Exercises for Building Leg Strength

The 7 Best Dumbbell Exercises for Building Leg Strength

When it comes to crafting a lower body workout routine that leaves no stone unturned, dumbbells are an absolute must. With their versatile nature, dumbbells can offer a convenient, cost-effective at-home alternative to gym memberships and expensive exercise machines. While often associated with upper body and strength exercises, they can indeed be your secret weapon…