Daily Workouts – August 2023

Before Getting Started

  • Always consult a physician before starting any workout program. Do any of the following workouts at your own risk. Read our full Disclaimers Page here.
  • Workouts are Monday-Friday. Workouts are posted between 7 and 8pm EST the night before.
  • Read Here for what to expect each day of the week.
  • Warm-Ups are not included. Need some Warm-up Ideas? Click Here
  • Finally, if you enjoy the workouts, please share them!



Quadrusaurus Flex

1AGoblet Squat2 x 10
1BKettlebell Swing2 x 10
2AFront Squat5 x 8 @ 60 – 70%
2BBox Jump5 x 3
3AWalking Lunges3 x 12e
3BRDL3 x 8
4AScissor Jumps4 x 5e
4BMed Ball Seated Twist4 x 15e



  • 10 100s (45 sec rest in between)
  • 3 Minute Rest
  • 10 100s (45 sec rest in between)


Work Day

1AKettlebell Swing2 x 12
1BMed Ball Slam2 x 12
2AHang Power Snatch5 x 3 @ 65 – 75%
2BBox Jumps5 x 3
3ABulgarian Split Squat4 x 5e
3BOne Arm Row4 x 8e
4APush-Ups3 x 20
4BSit-Ups3 x 20
4CPlank3 x 45 seconds


Power of Four

4 Rounds Of:

  • Deadlift Bodyweight x 4
  • Bench Press Bodyweight x 4
  • Pullups x 4
  • 400 Meter Run

Scale as Needed


Get Swole Friday: Delt Destruction

1Big 302 x 30 (light)
2ABarbell Overhead Press4 x 8
2BBarbell Upright Row4 x 8
3ADB Side Raise3 x 15
3BDB Front Raise3 x 15
3CDB Rear Delt Fly3 x 15
4AArnold Press3 x 10
4BFace Pull3 x 15
4COverhead Shrug3 x 10


Tempo Triples

1Overhead Squat (light)3 x 5
2Trap Bar Deadlift4 x 3 @ 70
3Back Squat*3 @ 60, 3 @ 70, 2 x 3 @ 75
Back Squat*6 x 3 @ 80
4ADB RDL3 x 8
4BDB Shrugs3 x 10
4CBulgarian Split Squat3 x 5e

*1 Minute Rest Between Each Set

This rep scheme is VERY challenging. You could dial all sets back to 75% and still get a great workout.


13 to 1

13 Reps of each of the following… then 12 reps… continuing down to 1 rep of each.

  • Pull-Ups
  • Kettlebell Swings
  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Sit-Ups


Bench Ladder

1ABench Press3 x 1, 2, 3 @ 75%
1BPull-Ups3 x 8
2ABench Press3 x 4, 5, 5 @ 75%
2BOne Arm Row3 x 8e
3ABench Press3 x 4, 3, 2 @ 75%
3BFace Pull3 x 15
4ABench Press1 x 1 @ 75%
4BDB Shrugs1 x 30


Challenge Monday

AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:

  • Deadlift 185 x 5
  • Walking Lunges x 20 yards
  • 100-yard sprint

*Modify Deadlift weight as necessary. Make sure form is first priority!!!


Get Swole Friday – Furious Fives Edition

1ABench Press*5 x 5 @ 70 – 75%
1BOne Arm Row5 x 5
2AOverhead Press5 x 5
2BPull-Ups5 x 5
3ABarbell Curls5 x 5
3BSkull Crushers5 x 5
4AWrist Curls5 x 25
4BCrunches5 x 25
4CDB Shrugs5 x 25

*Warm-Up Sets as Needed


Power Up Thursday

1AMed Ball Cannonballs3 x 8
1BMed Ball Slams3 x 8
2AKettlebell Swings3 x 12
2BBox Jumps3 x 5
3Power Clean*5 x 3 @ 70 – 80%
4Speed Squat6 x 3 @ 65 – 75%
5AScissor Jumps4 x 5e
5BSit-up and Throw4 x 10

*Include Warm-up Sets as Needed


10s and 20s

Short Burst, High Intensity “Cardio”

  • 10 x 10-yard Sprints (10 seconds rest between reps)
  • 10 x 20-yard Sprints (20 seconds rest between reps)

3 Minute Rest

  • 10 x 10-yard Sprints (10 seconds rest between reps)
  • 10 x 20-yard Sprints (20 seconds rest between reps)


Tuesday Triples

1Deadlifts5 x 6, 3, 3, 3, 3 @ 70 – 80%
2Front Squat5 x 5, 3, 3, 3, 3 @ 70 – 80%
3ABarbell RDL3 x 8
3BEZ Bar Curls3 x 10
3CLateral Raise3 x 12
4ASkull Crushers3 x 10
4BFace Pulls3 x 12
4CDB Hammer Curl3 x 10


Pump and Run

The Challenge is to do 100 Reps of Bench Press.

Use 55% of your max and perform a set of Bench Press.

After each set of Bench, run 400m.

Continue until you’ve completed 100 Reps.


Get Swole Friday – Beach Edition

1APush-Up w/ Rotation2 x 6e
1BCrunches2 x 25
2ADB Floor Press4 x 12
2BOne Arm Row4 x 8e
3ADB Z Press3 x 8
3BDB Lateral Raise3 x 12
4ADB Curl4 x 15
4BTricep Dips (Use a Cooler or Bench)4 x 15


Sandy Supersets

1Beach Jog15 minutes
2ADB Goblet Squats3 x 15
2BDB Russian Twists3 x 10e
3ADB Lunges3 x 12e
3BPlank to Push-up3 x 10
4ASingle Leg Deadlift3 x 8e
4BMountain Climbers3 x 15e
4CGlute Bridge3 x 15
4DV-Up3 x 12


Active Recovery

Take tomorrow as an active recovery day. Here is one of my favorite yoga videos on Youtube that is great for working on the lower body and hips.


Suns Out Guns Out

1ADB Shoulder Press4 x 8
1BDB Upright Row4 x 8
2ADB Floor Press3 x 12
2BSitups3 x 20
3ADB Lateral Raise3 x 12
3BDB Rear Delt3 x 12
4AHammer Curl4 x 8
4BDB Skull Crusher4 x 8


Dumbbells and Sand Day 1

Brought my PowerBlocks to the beach! Nothing heavy this week, just a great pump to get the day started every day!

1AGoblet Squat3 x 12
1BDB RDL3 x 8
2ASingle Arm DB Snatch3 x 8e
2BCrunches3 x 25
3ADB Walking Lunge3 x 10e
3BLateral Bridges3 x 12e
4ASingle Arm Farmer’s Walk3 x 25 yd
4BSingle Arm Shrug3 x 20e


Get Swole Friday

1ARenegade Rows w/Pushups2 x 8e
1BMedicine Ball Slams2 x 10
2ADB Incline4 x 8
2BBarbell Bent Over Rows4 x 8
3ACable Crossover Flys3 x 12
3BBand Face Pulls3 x 12
4AHammer Curls4 x 10
4BTricep Pushdowns4 x 10
4CWeighted Crunches4 x 25


Lord of the Lifts: Return of the Squat

1APistol Squat3 x 5e
1BKettlebell Swings3 x 12
2Front Squat4 x 6 @ 65 – 75%
3ALateral Lunges3 x 10e
3BSingle Leg RDL3 x 8e
4AGoblet Squats3 x 15
4BCalf Raises3 x 20
4CFarmer’s Walk3 x 50 yards



  • 110 Yard Sprints x 20 (45 seconds rest between each rep)

This was the standard conditioning test that I used with football players before Catapult completely changed how I approached summer conditioning.

If you want to really challenge yourself – here were the times to make by position:

  • Skill (WR, CB, RB) 15 seconds
  • Combo (QB, TE, LB) 17 seconds
  • Big (OL, DL) 19 seconds


Quads of Fury

1Back Squat4 x 6 @ 65 – 75%
2ADeadlift4 x 8 @ 65 – 70%
2BBox Jump4 x 5
3ABulgarian Split Squat4 x 8e
3BRDL3 x 8
5AGlute Bridge3 x 15
5BFloor Slider Leg Curl3 x 8
5CCalf Raise3 x 20

Daily Workout Archives

September 2023

July 2023

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023