How Big is a Squat Rack

How Big is a Squat Rack? (34 Squat Rack Dimensions Compared)

If you’re currently planning out a home gym, there are two key factors that you have to take into consideration for each piece of equipment and this is especially true for a squat rack.

How much does it cost? How big is it?

Cost is obvious. Almost all of us are working on some type of budget and a squat rack is one of the biggest expenses for a home gym.

Next, how big is a squat rack?

We need this information because a squat rack is going to take more space than any other piece of equipment you buy and you need to make sure it’s going to fit in the space you have.

The average size for a squat rack is about 48″ long, 48″ wide and 92″ tall. However, squat racks come in a huge variety of lengths, widths and especially heights.

I sat down for the better part of a Saturday and looked up the dimensions for 34 different squat racks from 15 different companies and put all the results in the following tables. You’re welcome.

I categorized each rack by type. So, squat stands are together, half-racks are together, etc.

If you’re not familiar with the different types of racks, like a Squat Stand vs a Power Rack, for example – I’ll do my best to briefly explain what each type of rack is when we get to that category.

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Squat Stand Dimensions

Squat Stands are very minimalistic squat racks. They are generally two posts designed to sit a barbell on top off with a small base and not much else.

They’re going to take up the smallest amount of space out of any of the rack types (with the exception of wall-mounted racks which I’ll explain in a second).

Squat Stands
BrandRackDimensions*Available At:
RogueSML-248″ x 49″ x 92″Rogue
RogueSML-2C48″ x 49″ x 92″Rogue
RogueY2 Yoke48″ x 50″ x 92″Rogue
TitanT-3 Series Short Yoke51″ x 52″ x 72″Titan
TitanX-3 Series Tall Rack48″ x 48″ x 93″Titan
TitanX-3 Series Short Squat Stand48″ x 48″ x 71.25″Titan

*All Dimensions are listed as Length x Width x Height

Wall Mounted Rack Dimensions

Wall Mounted Racks are, well, mounted to the wall. The dimensions listed below are for when the rack is ready to be used.

But, one of the advantages of a wall-mounted rack is that some are made to be folded back into the wall making them take up almost no space at all when not being used.

Wall Mounted Racks
BrandRackDimensions*Available At:
Bells of SteelWall Mount Power Rack22″ x 47″ x 91″Bells of Steel
PRxProfile PRO Folding Squat Rack26.75″ x 52″ x 73″PRx Performance

*All Dimensions are listed as Length x Width x Height

Half-Rack Dimensions

Half-Racks are squat racks that generally have two posts (although some could have 4 including storage extensions) and are open on the front side where all lifts are performed.

They have a much larger base than a squat stand and are much more stable, but because there is no front half of the rack (meaning less material) half-racks are generally cheaper.

Half Racks
BrandRackDimensions*Available At:
Bridge BUILTPhoenix Squat Rack48″ x 49″ x 75″Bridge BUILT
Ghost StrongCombo Rack HD34″ x 56″ x 28″Ghost Strong
Hammer StrengthAthletic Half Rack61.3″ x 65.5″ x 97.5″Life Fitness
RogueMonster Collegiate Half Rack62″ x 49″ x 100.375″Rogue
RogueHR-248″ x 49″ x 92.375″**Rogue
RogueMonster Lite Half Rack55″ x 53″ x 90.375″***Rogue
SorinexBase Camp Half Rack64″ x 47″ x 101.62″Sorinex

*All Dimensions are listed as Length x Width x Height

**Rogue HR-2 is also available in 110.375″ height

***Rogue Monster Lite Half Rack is also available in 62″ length

Full Rack aka Power Rack Dimensions

Full Racks, often times referred to as Power Racks, are squat racks that consist of a minimum of 4 posts with enough room to safely perform most exercises within the four posts.

A Power Rack is what most of us visualize when someone uses the term ‘squat rack’.

Full Racks
BrandRackDimensions*Available At:
ATXPRX-755 SD-400178cm x 123cm x 224.5cmThe Gym Revolution
Bells of SteelLight Commercial Rack62.5″ x 49″ x 84.5″**Bells of Steel
EliteFTS3 x 3 Collegiate Power Rack72″ x 74″ x 97″EliteFTS
ETHOSPower Rack 1.059″ x 58″ x 85″Dick’s Sporting Goods
GriffinGR3 Power Rack36″ x 47″ x 80″***Griffin
Rep FitnessPR-1100 Home Gym Power Rack48″ x 47.5″ x 84″^Rep Fitness
Rep FitnessPR-5000 Build Your Power Rack41″ x 47″ x 80″Rep Fitness
RogueMonster Lite 390F48″ x 49″ x 92″Rogue
RogueR334″ x 53″ x 90″^^Rogue
RogueRM-3 Monster Rack 2.036″ x 49″ x 90.375″^^^Rogue
RogueRM-6 Monster Rack 2.076″ x 49″ x 90.375″^^^Rogue
RogueRML-69076″ x 49″ x 90.375″Rogue
RogueRML-49049″ x 49″ x 90.375″Rogue
SorinexBase Camp Power Rack74.5″ x 47″ x 101.62″Sorinex
SqmizeSQ8135.5cm x 123.5cm x 237cmSimple Products
TitanT-2 Series Power Rack57″ x 50″ x 83″#Titan
TitanT-3 Series Power Rack54″ x 44.75″ 91″##Titan
TitanX-3 Series Flat Foot Power Rack50″ x 48″ x 91″###Titan
Tuff StuffEvolution Power Cage (CPR-265)57″ x 51″ x 84″Tuff Stuff Fitness

*All Dimensions are listed as Length x Width x Height. Also, some racks’ dimensions are listed in the metric system because their manufacturers are located “across the pond”. If you need to convert, just go to Google.

**Bells of Steel Light Commercial Rack is also available in 72″ height.

***Griffin GR3 Power Rack is also available in 92″ height.

^Rep Fitness PR-5000 Build Your Power Rack is also available in 93″ height and/or a 30″ length.

^^Rogue R3 is also available in a 84″ height.

^^^Both the Rogue RM-3 and Rogue RM-6 are also available in heights of 100.375″ and 108.375″

#The Titan T-2 Series Power Rack also comes in a shorter version with dimensions of 50″ x 50″ x 71″

##The Titan T-3 Series Power Rack is also available in 82″ height and a 32.75″ length.

###The Titan X-3 Series Power Rack is also available in 82″ height.

Additional Things to Keep in Mind

When you’re measuring out your space and looking at rack dimensions online, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Overlooking one of these aspects can end up being a huge pain in the rear once you have your rack delivered, assembled and sat into your space and only then realize the rack you bought isn’t going to work in your gym at all.

Barbell Width

Seems obvious, but don’t forget to take into consideration the width of your barbell.

Most racks are going to be around 48″ wide, but you’ll need much more space than that to fit a 7-foot bar onto the rack.

You not only need to consider the barbell itself but if you’re going to be tight against a wall or another piece of equipment, take into account you’re also going to need room to rack and unrack weights on and off of your bar.

Plate Storage

This is the same thought process as planning for your barbell.

If you have plans of storing your plates on the side of your rack, you have to make sure you have enough room to safely navigate getting weights on and off your rack.

Having to duck under the barbell every time you need to grab a weight on the left side of your rack because it’s so close to the wall is going to get old real fast.

Pull-Up Clearance

If you’re going to be doing pull-ups (or at least trying to), then you’re going to need a little extra clearance above the top of your rack so, ya know, you don’t put your head through the ceiling.

You’ll need even more room if you have aspirations of doing muscle-ups.

Trying to do pull-ups on a rack that’s 84″ tall with a ceiling that’s 86″ high is not going to end well for you or your ceiling.

While we’re on the topic of pull-ups, if you are a taller individual, then opt for a taller rack if your space allows it. I’m 6’4″ and I have a 91″ rack and to be honest, if I could change anything about my rack – I wish it were just a little bit taller.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot to consider when buying a squat rack and its dimensions are something that you definitely do not want to overlook. Figure out where in your home gym space your rack is going to go.

Then, figure out what size rack is going to fit in that space taking into consideration barbells, plate storage and functional space needed around the rack.

Finally, don’t forget the height!

You want tall enough to be able to do pull-ups without banging your feet off the floor but short enough so your head doesn’t go through the ceiling.

With a little bit of planning, picking out the perfect squat rack doesn’t have to be that hard and hopefully, this article helped you with that planning.

And if you’re still thinking about that other key factor when buying a squat rack – cost – I have you covered there as well. I compared the prices of 18 different squat racks of all different varieties and sizes.

Stay strong!

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