Daily Workouts Cover

Push-up Ladder (Daily Workouts – 120924)

Before Getting Started

  • Always consult a physician before starting any workout program. Do any of the following workouts at your own risk. Read our full Disclaimers Page here.
  • Workouts are Monday-Friday. Workouts are posted between 7 and 8pm EST the night before.
  • Read Here for what to expect each day of the week.
  • Warm-Ups are not included. Need some Warm-up Ideas? Click Here
  • Finally, if you enjoy the workouts, please share them!


Push-up Ladder

Do one Push-up. Stand. Do two push-ups. Stand.

Continue this progression until you complete a set of 21. Then perform a set of 20. Stand. Perform a set of 19. Stand. Continue progressing back down and finishing with a set of 1.

Break up sets as needed throughout.

Coach’s Notes

I’ve done this workout with injured athletes at practice for years. I would take the guys who could not practice (but could do push-ups), and we would start at the goal line and do one push-up.

We walked forward to the 5-yard line and did 2 push-ups. We continued working up all the way down the field and then worked back down to 1 as we returned down the field. It’s an incredibly challenging workout that leaves you feeling accomplished and JACKED up!

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