Band Triceps Pushdown (Complete How To Guide w/ Video)

Band Tricep Pushdowns are a great workout finisher. They’re perfect for a high rep set or two at the end of a workout so you leave out with that nice Tricep pump.

In this guide, I’m going to show you how to do Band Triceps Pushdowns including the muscles worked and alternatives.

How To Do Band Triceps Pushdown

Equipment Needed

  • Band
  • Band Anchor (The top of a rack and/or a pull-up bar are good options)

Step-by-Step Instructions

First, loop a band around the top of a rack or any other piece of equipment that can solidly hold the band.

  • Stand tall, head up.
  • Hold the band with hands eight inches apart, palms down.
  • Bring upper arms to the sides and keep them there.
  • Start with forearms and biceps touching.
  • Press the band down to arm’s length.
  • Return slowly and under control to starting position.

Coaching Points

To make the exercise more challenging, either use a thicker band or choke up on the band.

If you’re unable to get full range of motion, lower your hands on the band, use a thinner band or stand on something to make the movement easier.

Muscles Worked

Triceps Anatomy

The Band Tricep Pushdown will work all three heads of the triceps brachii, the lateral head, long head and medial head.

Band Tricep Pushdown Alternatives

Here are a couple of band pushdown alternatives if don’t have a band or are just wanting to change up your workout a bit.


Dips (1)

If you have access to a dip rack attachment or a dip station, Dips are one of the best exercises you can do to build strong triceps.

DB Skull Crushers

Don’t have a band, but you do have dumbbells?

DB Skull Crushers are a great tricep alternative to band pushdowns. Lay on a bench with arms straight up and bend the elbows, bringing the dumbbells down to right beside the ear. Extend back to the starting position and repeat.

More Links and Info

Looking for more exercises to build up those biceps and triceps? Make sure to check out the Arm Farm section of our Exercise Library.

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