Stir the Pot Alternatives

10 Stir The Pot Alternatives (No Stability Ball Needed)

Stir the Pot is an excellent core exercise that teaches how to brace and builds core stability. Not only does Stir the Pot help develop core stability, but it also helps improve shoulder stability as well.

However, sometimes you may find yourself needing an alternative for Stir The Pot.

The most obvious reason is that you simply don’t have access to a stability ball. But, maybe you are just wanting to change your workout up a bit.

Whatever the reason, if you’re looking for an exercise to substitute for Stir The Pot then you’re in the right place. I’m about to share with you 10 of my favorite Stir The Pot alternatives.

Alternatives for Stir The Pot

I tried to include as much variety within these 10 Stir The Pot alternatives as possible. You’re going to find exercises that look similar to Stir The Pot, exercises that are done standing and on the floor. You’ll also see exercises that use different pieces of equipment and body weight exercises that don’t require any equipment at all.

What all these movements do have in common though is that, like Stir The Pot, they will target and challenge the core.

Lateral Bridges

Equipment Needed

  • None

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Start on the ground in a Lateral Plank position – on your side, one elbow down and feet, hips and shoulders stacked vertically above one another.
  • The opposite hand (non-support arm) can be placed on the hip or held up in the air.
  • From this position, lower the hips down and lightly tap the floor.
  • Drive the hips back up to the starting position and repeat for the designated number of reps.

Coaching Points

The biggest mistake I see with my athletes with Lateral Bridges is allowing the top shoulder to hunch forward. Both shoulders (along with hips and feet) should be stacked directly above each other. Do not allow yourself to twist forward toward the ground with your upper body.

Single Arm Farmer’s Walk

Equipment Needed

  • Dumbbell or Kettlebell

How To

  • Grab a single kettlebell or dumbbell.
  • Brace the core and begin walking in a slow, controlled manner.
  • As you walk, focus on keeping the core braced and the shoulders and hips square and level.
  • Once you cover the assigned distance (or time), switch hands and repeat on the opposite side.

Coaching Points

You do not need to grab the heaviest kettlebell you can find. Find a weight that you can walk with and maintain proper form.

Don’t rush through. Single Arm Farmer’s Walk can be done for time or for distance. If going for distance, it should not be a speed walk to cover the ground as fast as possible. Stay under control and focus on form.

Mountain Climber Crossovers

Cross Body Mountain Climbers

Equipment Needed

  • None

How To

  • Begin in a push-up position – hands under shoulders, core engaged, body in a straight line.
  • Now drive the right knee across the body toward the opposite elbow.
  • As you bring the right foot back to the starting position, begin to drive the left knee toward the opposite elbow.
  • Continue alternating back and forth until all reps are completed. (count moving left and right legs up as one rep)

Coaching Points

Keep hips down throughout the movement. Don’t allow the hips to start to raise if you begin to tire. Also, work to maintain the same range of motion throughout the entire set of Mountain Climber Crossovers.

Seated Medicine Ball Twist

Seated Med Ball Twists

Equipment Needed

  • Medicine Ball

Muscles Worked

  • Obliques Externus Abdominis
  • Rectus Abdominis

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Start by grabbing a medicine ball and taking a seat on the floor.
  • Slightly bend the knees and raise your feet roughly six inches off the floor.
  • Start by rotating your torso to the left and lightly tapping the med ball against the ground.
  • Now turn your shoulders and rotate your torso to the right and, again, lightly tap the ball against the ground.
  • Keep legs mostly still and maintain the feet off the floor throughout the movement.
  • Continue rotating back and forth until all reps are completed.

Coaching Points (Common Mistakes)

The biggest mistake I see with my athletes when doing Seated Med Ball Twists is moving the ball back and forth primarily with their arms instead of rotating through the core. The focus should be on the rotation. The ball touching the ground is simply an added bonus to the movement.

Speaking of the ball touching the ground – there is no need to bang the ball off the ground as hard as possible each rep. Stay in control of the movement and the med ball and lightly tap it on the ground.


Female Athlete doing Planks

Equipment Needed

  • None

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Start on the ground on your stomach.
  • Assume a push-up like position on your elbows and toes. Elbows should be directly under the shoulders.
  • Position your body in a straight line from the shoulders through the hips, knees and ankles.
  • Brace the core tight. (As if you’re going to be punched in the stomach)
  • Do not let the body slouch to the ground nor push the hips up high in the air.
  • Hold for the designated amount of time.

Coaching Points

The biggest mistake that I see with Front Planks is athletes holding the position, but not properly keeping the core engaged and just allowing the torso to slouch. So, while they are technically up on their elbows and toes, all they’re really doing is straining the low back.

The other mistake I see is the exact opposite and that is athletes shooting their butts into the air, resembling more of a Down Dog position.

Oblique Crunches

Equipment Needed

  • None


  • Start with back flat on the ground, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Then, lift your right foot up and place it on your left thigh – just above the knee.
  • Place your left hand behind your head and let your right hand rest on your abdomen.
  • Crunch up by contracting the abs and lifting the shoulder blades up off the ground. As you rise, twist towards your right, taking your left elbow towards your right knee.
  • If your elbow actually touches your knee, great. If not, reach it as close as possible. Do NOT pull on the back of your head to try to force it.
  • Relax back down to the starting position and repeat. Once all reps are completed for the right side, switch positions and continue on the left.

Coaching Points

The biggest mistake that I see with Oblique Crunches is athletes pulling hard on the back of their head and unnecessarily straining their neck. The hand is meant only to support the head, not aid in the actual crunch.

Medicine Ball Side Slams

Equipment Needed

  • Medicine Ball

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Grab a medicine ball and stand tall with feet roughly shoulder-width apart.
  • Reach the medicine ball high overhead.
  • Using the core, pull the body down – hinging forward at the hips – while simultaneously rotating to one side.
  • Follow through with the arms and release the ball. The ball should hit the ground just to the outside of the feet.
  • Let the ball slam into the ground, catch it off the bounce and repeat (alternating back and forth to each side) for the designated number of reps.

Coaching Points

First and foremost, test how ‘bouncy’ your medicine ball is before starting. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen athletes almost have their face smashed by a medicine ball bouncing much harder and rebounding much faster off the ground than they were anticipating.

The biggest mistake I see with Med Ball Side Slams is athletes not utilizing the core and simply throwing the ball down with their arms. The bulk of the force should be generated by aggressively using the core to hinge forward. If done correctly, it should almost (and actually might) lift your feet up off the floor.

Single Leg Pallof Press

Equipment Needed

  • Resistance Band (Preferably a thin one)
  • A Band Anchor (A squat rack works perfectly)


  • Start by looping a band around the vertical beam of a squat rack.
  • Stand far enough away from the rack to get proper tension on the band. You should feel the band pulling and trying to rotate you, but not so much that you cannot maintain your balance.
  • Grab the band with one hand and then place the other hand over top.
  • Start with your hands right in front of your sternum.
  • Lift the leg furthest away from the rack up off the ground.
  • Now, in a controlled tempo, press the band straight out in front of you and then return it to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the required amount of reps.

Coaching Points

Keep the movement slow and controlled. Don’t rush through the exercise.

Try to keep the opposite foot off the ground for the duration of the set. Touch the ground only if necessary to regain balance.

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

Equipment Needed

  • None

How To

  • Lay on your back with your knee and hip flexed to 90 degrees
  • Raise your shoulder blades off of the ground several inches and put your hands behind your head.
  • Keep your chin off of your chest and keep your left leg off of the ground.
  • Straighten your right knee while simultaneously driving the left knee in the opposite direction toward your shoulder.
  • Touch your left knee to your right elbow and immediately repeat to the other side.
  • Each time your right elbow touches your knee left knee, count as one repetition.

Coaching Points

Your hands behind your head should only be there for support. Do not pull on your head.

Half Kneeling Cable Chop

Equipment Needed

  • Cable Machine

How To

  • Attach a cable attachment* and slide the pin to the top of the cable machine.
  • Assume a kneeling position about a foot and a half away from the machine (may vary depending on what the machine will allow)
  • The knee toward the machine should be up and the knee away from the machine should be on the floor.
  • Start with both arms straight out in front, one on each side of the rope or bar.
  • Allow the weight to slowly pull your arms up and to the side about a foot, keeping your arms relatively straight.
  • Now, brace the core and pull the cable diagonally down across your body.
  • Do not twist or turn or significantly bend the arms (a slight bend in the arm is okay).
  • Control the eccentric portion of the movement back to the start and repeat.
  • Once all reps are complete, switch to the other side.

Coaching Points

*This movement is best done with either the rope attachment with the rope slid all the way over to one side or a straight bar attachment with the cable attached to one side.

Keep the torso upright during the movement. If you find yourself (or your athletes) leaning to one side or the other it’s probably an indication that the weight is too heavy. Lighten the weight being used and focus on maintaining that upright position.

Do not rotate through the torso. The goal here is to maintain a braced core and upright body position as you pull the weight across your body.

Final Thoughts

Stir The Pot is an awesome exercise for developing a strong core, but sometimes Stir The Pot just isn’t an option. Maybe you don’t have a stability ball or maybe you’re not quite ready for an advanced movement like Stir The Pot.

In these situations, you’ll need a Stir The Pot alternative and I hope that one of the exercises I’ve listed here fits what you were looking for.

Finally, don’t ever let the lack of a piece of equipment hold you back from getting in a great workout. There are always alternatives for any exercise. For example, here are 10 alternatives for trap bar deadlifts if you don’t have a trap bar.

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