Upper Body Strength

Lat Pulldown (How To, Muscles Worked, Benefits)

Lat Pulldown (How To, Muscles Worked, Benefits)

Lat Pulldowns are one of my favorite exercises down on a machine. I primarily stick with barbell, dumbbell and bodyweight movements – whether I’m training athletes or just someone getting ready for beach season. However, the Lat Pulldown is an extremely effective exercise that definitely has a place in almost any workout program. In this…

Alternating Sledgehammer Slams To Tire (How To & Tips)

Alternating Sledgehammer Slams To Tire (How To & Tips)

The sledgehammer is an awesome and unique tool for athletes to use in the gym to improve upper body strength, power, and even conditioning! This exercise is a great full-body, rotational power-based movement with the added benefit of shoulder stability and mobility. This is a great option to use as a finisher at the end…

Plate Raise (How To, Muscles Worked, Alternatives)

Plate Raise (How To, Muscles Worked, Alternatives)

The Plate Raise is a popular supplementary shoulder exercise that primarily focuses on the Anterior Deltoid. In this guide, I’m going to teach you how to do Plate Raises, what muscles it works and a few alternatives in case you need them. How To Do Plate Raises Equipment Needed Muscles Worked Plate Raises specifically target…

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (How To, Muscles Worked, Benefits)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (How To, Muscles Worked, Benefits)

The dumbbell shoulder press is a great movement for upper body strength. The dumbbell implement allows the shoulders to move very naturally and engages the stabilizing musculature to keep the shoulders healthy. The dumbbell press and its variations are used by strength and conditioning specialists, physical therapists, powerlifters, bodybuilders, and general population lifters for overhead…