Are You Okay? (Daily Workouts – 020325)
2/3/25 Are You Okay? Female Deadlift Weights: 95, 135, 165, 195 Scaled Variation
2/3/25 Are You Okay? Female Deadlift Weights: 95, 135, 165, 195 Scaled Variation
1/31/25 Get Swole Friday 1A DB Bench Press 5 x 10 1B One Arm Row 5 x 10e 2A Incline DB Bench 5 x 10 2B DB Upright Row 5 x 10 3A DB Shoulder Press 5 x 10 3B Rear Delt Fly 5 x 10
1/30/25 Dead Man Walking 1 SA DB Snatch 3 x 5e 2 Deadlift 10 @ 56% 8 @ 66% 6 @ 72% 5 @ 77% 4 @ 79% 3 @ 81% 2 @ 84% 3 Walking Lunges 5 x 20yd 4A DB Farmer’s Walk 5 x 40yd 4B DB Shrug 5 x 12 5A Dead…
1/29/25 110s 110 Yard Sprints x 20 (45 seconds rest between each rep) This was the standard conditioning test that I used with football players before Catapult completely changed how I approached summer conditioning. If you want to really challenge yourself – here were the times to make by position*: Skill (WR, CB, RB) 15…
1/28/25 Fours Up 1A KB Swings 3 x 8 1B Med Ball Slam 3 x 8 2A Single Arm DB Snatch 5 x 4e 2B Box Jump 5 x 4 3 Front Squat 4 @ 55% 4 @ 65% 3 x 4 @ 70% 4A Lateral Raises 3 x 12 4B Band Face Pull 3…
1/27/25 Triple Threat Record 150 total reps using the following options: 225lb Deadlift 185lb Bench Press Pull-Ups Any combination of sets, reps and order of the three exercises is allowed. Scaled Version Level 2: 135lb Deadlift 95lb Bench Press Pull-Ups Scaled Version Level 1: 35lb KB Swing Push-ups Inverted Rows
1/24/25 Get Swole Friday 1A Push-ups 2 x 10 1B Band Pull-Apart 2 x 10 2A Bench Press 5 @ 60% 4 @ 70% 3 @ 75% 3 x 3 @ 80% 2B Chin-ups 5 x 5 3A Incline DB Bench 3 x 8 3B Rear Delt Flyes 3 x 12 4A Cable Curls 3…
1/23/25 It’s a Trap 1A Push-ups 2 x 10 1B Band Pull-Apart 2 x 10 2A Trap Bar Deadlift 5 @ 55% 4 @ 65% 3 @ 74% 3 @ 77% 3 @ 80% 3 @ 83% 2B Box Jump 5 x 3 3A DB Reverse Lunge 4 x 5e 3B Toe Touches 4 x…
1/22/25 Non-Running Cardio For Example: Pick something you ENJOY and go do it. Coach’s Notes Many of you have been with me now for a while and understand the idea behind this workout. For those that are newer, once per cycle, I always like to encourage you to just go do something you enjoy… Oddly…
1/21/25 Power 5.1 1A KB Swings 3 x 8 1B Med Ball Slam 3 x 8 2A Hang Power Snatch 3 @ 55% 3 @ 65% 3 @ 70% 2 x 3 @ 75% 2B Box Jump 5 x 3 3 Back Squat* 4 @ 55% 2 x 4 @ 65% 2 x 4 @…